What you want to know about QA management

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Quality assurance management is often a synonym for formal activities, e.g. audits and certifications. If these activities are based on real customer needs and increase efficiency and quality of deliveries, they become a clear added value to software manufacturers and customers operating their software.

The majority of companies, with regard to projects delivery, focus on three criteria based on the project management practise: 

  • Costs / Price
  •  Scope of delivery
  •  Deadline

Uncontrolled project risks usually lead to jeopardising some or all of the three criteria mentioned. As these criteria are, in most cases, relatively easy to verify, the result of the uncontrolled risk has to become evident somewhere. Usually, it´s the quality of the final delivery. Our specialists are focused on measuring the quality of software applications and Quality Management processes of software projects. We will assist you with the introduction of measurement and quality management into your projects and the operation of software applications.

Software Quality Assurance (QA)

The software quality assurance tries to provide for the project implementation in accordance with predetermined specification, standards and required functionality without defects and potential problems. Within QA, the application development process is being monitored and improved. The QA is generally based on the “prevention” principle. Software Quality Assurance can be defined as a planned and systematic approach to quality assessment and compliance with the standards applicable to software products, processes and procedures. QA involves a process ensuring compliance with the standards and procedures set out in the entire life cycle of the software development or procurement. Compliance with agreed standards and procedures is evaluated through process monitoring, product evaluations, audits and testing. QA should be included in the project right from the beginning. This will help teams to communicate, understand the issues, and set processes necessary for managing software quality. In particular, it provides room for the preparation of test tools, test environment and their configuration.


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